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Acting 1:Foundations, Acting 2: Text/Action

Acting 1: Foundations  - Tuesday evenings for 8 weeks from 6:00 - 9:30PM

January 7 - February 25 2025




Acting 2: Text/Action - Thursday evenings for 8 weeks from 6:00 - 9:30PM

January 9 - February 27 2025




    • Classes are held at The Phinney Center in Seattle's Phinney Ridge neighborhood.
    • There is safe and ample parking next to the building.Classes always begin on time. Be warmed up and ready to work at the beginning of class.

    • There are no refunds due to the limited number of spots available per class. People are usually on waiting lists for spots in class.
    • Emergency or hardship withdrawals may qualify for a refund, on a case by case basis up to two weeks before classes begin.
    • All class fees must be paid in full(including installment plan) ten business days before classes begin.

    • The Studio Seattle maintains an inclusive, tolerant and professional culture. 18 and over only.
    • Students are expected to respect each other, the instructor, the environment and the process.
    • We do no tolerate racism, sexism, extremism or biases due to gender, sexual orientation, religion or other personal lifestyles or beliefs.
    • Students may not attend classes if under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other behavior modifying substances.
    • The Studio Seattle reserves the right to remove students from classes when the well being and /or safety or other students or the instructor are at risk.

Insight, Inc. dba The Studio Seattle

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