Acting isn’t about performing for an audience or playing the role perfectly—it’s about showing up. But showing up doesn’t always mean walking in with confidence or having everything figured out. Oftentimes, showing up means stepping into discomfort, uncertainty, and walking away with more questions than answers.

At The Studio Seattle, we don’t expect you to always be at your best. What we expect is for you to be present and willing to face the messiness that comes with truly committing to your craft. The discomfort? It’s part of the process. It’s where growth happens.
This isn’t about pushing through or attempting to "get it right." It’s about leaning into the discomfort, trusting that even (and especially in) those awkward, challenging moments, you are discovering something new about yourself as an actor. You don’t have to know everything or have it all together. We as actors need to be able to step into the unknown. To have enough homework under our belts to be spontaneous and see what happens rather than press play on our performance. You just have to do your homework, show up—be willing to face the unknown—and let that shape your work.
So, when it gets tough, when it feels uncertain or challenging—are you still willing to show up, knowing that’s when the real progress happens?